Welcome to Pedro Sena's Web Pages


This site is under perpetual development as the amount of work to bring here is huge, and I am in the process of changing the color schemes to make it easier to read for everyone.

I have been able to get some more Film Reviews added from the past years, while my eye sight is still in one piece, although it has curtailed my ability to go to see a film at night. However, I have to depend on these showing up on DVD or on the Internet, where the appearance of Foreign Film has significantly improved in the past 5 years, and hopefully will continue to be so. The sad part? ... no one will ever know what the hoopla is about in so many films that no one will see ... and even telling my friends to see something or other is like speaking a foreign language.

On to better news, I have found some of the issues of the YGDRASIL JOURNAL OF POETIC ARTS and am now scanning them to post here. These are older issues and not available on the main website, but I highly recommend checking out the main site at https://independentscholar.academia.edu/KlausGerken

You will find a copy of the "NEW" audio issue here:  https://www.pedrosena.com/ygdrasil.htm

Thanks so much for saying hello, and if you have any questions and comments, drop me a line or two ... it's always nice to meet new friends. Specially if they are into film, and its art.

You can check the links section for more at  https://www.pedrosena.com/links.htm

Have fun and say hello if you have the time.




Please email me with questions and/or comments
Web Site Pages Copyright © 2009-2022 Pedro Sena -- Last modified:07/04/2023